English website

Dear Visitors,

We are glad to greet you in the website of Hungarian Water Utility Association!

The Hungarian Water Utility Association (MaVíz) was established in 1990 with a view to act as an independent representative of the water industry’s interests, offering trade development and engineering services .

In Hungary public water services are provided by state-owned municipal (five large regional utilities) and local governments–owned water utilities.

38 public utilities operate under different structures. 35 of these are affiliated members of MaVíz, which represents 95% of the public water services of the country. In addition, 112 affiliated members represent the water industry and trade, furthermore engineering companies and universities. MaVíz’s efforts to coordinate these organisations, which differ not only in size but in the conditions of service provided, will become increasingly important with regards to the following main task groups:

  • Representation and harmonization of interests and maintaining relations with national and foreign organizations, ministries, municipalities, parliamentary, scientific and social committees, associations and chambers

  • Increasing public engagement

  • Providing professional help for member companies

  • Information circulation, technical, economic and administrative training, publcations, conferences and programme organization

  • The spread of advanced technologies and methods, and cooperations with water industry and trade companies, as well as with local authorities and social organizations

We hope that you will like our homepage and you will find important and useful information. We wish you an enjoyable journey in our website!


Magyar Víziközmű Szövetség

(Hungarian Water Utility Association)

Address: H- 1051 BUDAPEST, Sas u. 25., 4th floor. (Hungary)

Postal address: H-1368 BUDAPEST, Pf.: 201. (Hungary)

Phone: +36-1-473-0055

Email: titkarsag [at] maviz [dot] org | info [at] maviz [dot] org